Top 5 wants of the wine shopper

Top 5 wants of the wine shopper

Cybertill recently conducted a survey with 1,088 US adults aged 21+ on their purchasing experiences and preferences of alcohol stores, and the results of which were quite interesting. As a result we have been able to identify the top 5 wants of the wine shopper that independent wine stores can adopt to encourage footfall into store.

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Schoolwear brochure

Schoolwear brochure

Cybertill’s RetailStore is a retail management platform built with schoolwear in mind. This brochure looks at how Cybertill can make schoolwear retailing as easy as A B C…

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Jewellery Brochure

Jewellery Brochure

Cybertill’s RetailStore is a fully omnichannel retail EPoS system built in partnership with retail jewellers. Shopping for jewellery is always a personal experience, and jewellery retailers need software that they can rely on to give the best possible service to their customers. Cybertill’s retail management software helps high street jewellers digitise their business.

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Retail Inventory: Expectations vs Reality

Retail Inventory: Expectations vs Reality

A report investigating consumer expectations about omnichannel stock visibility and comparing customer-facing services such as real-time stock availability by store, same day collection, and mobile usability of 140 retailers with over 30 stores in the UK.

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Case Study: J E James Cycles

Case Study: J E James Cycles

Established in 1990, J E James has shops located in Rotherham, Chesterfield, and Sheffield, not forgetting online, meaning that Cybertill’s multi-store and multi-branch management is key to the store’s success.

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Why should I get an EPoS system?

Why should I get an EPoS system?

Making the switch from a manual retail system to EPoS doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. In fact, it can be quite liberating to retailers of all sizes, freeing up time and resource to serve customers and sell more, rather than be tied down to admin work.

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RetailStore Platform Brochure

RetailStore Platform Brochure

Cybertill’s fully integrated end-to-end retail management platform for multi-store retailers is hard to explain unless you see it yourself. This 56-page document explains the RetailStore platform in-depth.

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Increase Retention with Loyalty and Promotions

Increase Retention with Loyalty and Promotions

Is 2018 the year to review your retail system? If you’re thinking about investing in a new or updated EPoS retail system, consider offering a loyalty program function that integrates into the back-end system, giving you the opportunity to be innovative with your promotional strategy, and keeping your customers engaged and interested.

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5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Enhancing Customer Experience in Independent Retail

With the changing demands of the ‘always on’ consumer, who has high expectations of their shopping journey, independent retailers are increasingly focusing their energies on giving their customers a great experience to improve satisfaction, retention and in turn increase both cross-selling and up-selling.

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5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Champion independent retail this Small Business Saturday

During this busy Christmas period, with major retailers pushing discounts and launching high budget marketing campaigns, independent retailers may feel a little forgotten. However, as we’re sure many will agree, it’s often those shops where you find the most unique... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Want to grow online sales…then offer click and collect

So you have seen the perfect item online, you’ve placed your order and wait patiently for it to arrive. Only to find that the one moment you went out for milk, the courier arrived and you missed your delivery and now need to rearrange another delivery or cancel your... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Showrooming – an Opportunity or Threat for retailers?

The digital revolution continues apace in retail. And one of the latest trends is showrooming, when consumers go into a store to look at and test a product but then leave to buy it online. This is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon. So how do retailers react to... Read more
Can Cloud Technology Reduce the Hours Retailers Work?

Can Cloud Technology Reduce the Hours Retailers Work?

Independent retailers are Britain’s hardest workers, working over 50 hours a week and taking fewer than 10 days off a year, according to a recent report by the Association of Convenience Stores. Although the survey may have been aimed at more convenience retail, the... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Are Apprenticeships of Value for smaller Retailers?

There is a plenty of debate around about the value of apprenticeships in business. Do they add real value to organisations and individuals or are they way of businesses getting cheap labour. Here Cybertill CEO, Ian Tomlinson, shares his thoughts on the value of... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Why even Indies can’t run efficiently without Technology

Guest Blog by Clare Rayner Technology is all around us – our phones, laptops, games consoles and even our TVs can now connect us wirelessly to the web to enable us to socialise, search and, most importantly, shop. Businesses too depend on technology, to provide data... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Can High Street Events Change Retail?

The recent Record Store Day (that promotes independent record stores with in store gigs, exclusive releases and so forth) is becoming a common theme on the high street as different sectors of retail come together to promote their ‘cause’ and services to consumers.... Read more
Cybertill Sponsors Independent Retailer Month

Cybertill Sponsors Independent Retailer Month

Cybertill, the leading provider of cloud based EPoS and ecommerce solutions, has signed up to sponsor the Independent Retailer Month 2012 launch Conference, on July 1st at Cranmore Park near Birmingham. Independent Retailer Month is a global “Shop Local”... Read more
5 Tips for enhancing the in-store experience – Are you giving consumers a compelling reason to visit your store?

Power to the People!

Is there anything as powerful as the internet? It has brought down governments, businesses and aided in major civil unrest. Look at the revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa as governments fall and people are mobilised by the internet and social media.... Read more
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