8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Top 7 Retention Strategies for Retail: The Role of Cloud EPoS

The merging of the physical and digital retail environment which is changing how we need to think about retention and engagement. What worked before is now a strain on resource and exiting IT systems and no longer effective when it come to retaining are customer relationships. Seven simple things every retail can do with the right system to to increase retention.

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High Street Convenience in Charity Retail

High Street Convenience in Charity Retail

Consumers are changing how high street retailers operate. Today’s consumers want a convenient and seamless experience. Retailers are meeting this challenge through technology, an example is tablets as they proliferate in-store, whether it’s a digital portal for... Read more
Retail Jargon explained

Retail Jargon explained

Trying to make sense of the jargon in today’s retail sector can be tough, with new words seeming to pop up all the time, mostly due to rapidly developing retail technology. We’ve put together a handy list so you’re clued up on all the latest retail terms.

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8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Are your employees prepared for the digital age?

It may sound obvious, but it’s surprising how often this gets overlooked, if you are rolling out new retail technology in-store do your staff know how to use it? Argos recently announced that their Kensington store was being redesigned and embracing a new digital... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Cybertill’s Advanced Gift Aid Management [Infographic]

This infographic will bring you all the information on our Single Scan Barcode System suitable for Products and Gift Aid Management. Hand-written labels, missing gift aid labels, gift swapping and mis-keyed transactions are all problems eradicated by our Single Scan... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

The Single Customer Conundrum

With the UK’s shoppers increasingly using a variety of ways to shop, be it in-store, online or via mobiles, the problem of keeping track of these various customer and sales records and a need to manage them effectively has become more necessary than ever. Imagine... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

What is Omni-Channel?

Oh how in all walks of life, but especially business and technology, we love a new phrase. An utterance or word that has not yet been coined that means something different and it is meant to replace an older term or phrase that has become a little passé. Struggling... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Want to grow online sales…then offer click and collect

So you have seen the perfect item online, you’ve placed your order and wait patiently for it to arrive. Only to find that the one moment you went out for milk, the courier arrived and you missed your delivery and now need to rearrange another delivery or cancel your... Read more
Charities continue to invest in ‘high street’ retail systems

Misplaced Prejudices will not save the high street

There have been quite a few heated debates about the health of local high streets and how they can be transformed. Ideas vary from using some premises as housing, to using property to encourage arts to start-up businesses. But there has been little consensus on how... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Mobile PoS manoeuvring into a store near you

Have you ever been in a shop and the assistant has left you for 15 minutes or longer to check the stock in the back? We’ll if you’re like me you probably end up leaving to looking elsewhere. This is just one of the pitfalls facing modern high street retailers who are... Read more
8 Ways to Recognise and Celebrate Customer Service

Showrooming – an Opportunity or Threat for retailers?

The digital revolution continues apace in retail. And one of the latest trends is showrooming, when consumers go into a store to look at and test a product but then leave to buy it online. This is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon. So how do retailers react to... Read more
Charities continue to invest in ‘high street’ retail systems

Cybertill recognised in Prestigious Shortlist

TechMarketView, one of the UK’s most authoritative research and analyst consultancies on the technology and software sectors, has shortlisted Cybertill as one of their twelve brightest UK SMEs in their ‘Little British Battlers’ series. With the high street in a state... Read more
ISO Accreditations

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