Cybertill is thrilled to announced that we have been announced as a finalist for “The Amazon Web Services Digital Business of the Year” award!
The award is part of the Amazon Growing Business Awards that will be taking place in London in November. The awards, now entering the 20th year, are described as the ‘most credible and highly valued recognition of exceptional growing business’.
We have been recognised for our electronic Gift Aid donor sign-up module that we have developed specifically for Charity retailers. Charities rely on donors to register Gift Aid in order for charities to receive an extra 25% on top of the original donation.
Historically, the donor Gift Aid registration process was quite lengthy, required a lot of admin, and the charity needed to store paperwork for HMRC in case of audit, which can be a time-consuming, and not really GDPR compliant. Our cloud software solution has streamlined the Gift Aid process for charities, making donor sign up and data storage digital, secure, simple, and HMRC compliant.
With our electronic Gift Aid donor-sign up module on a tablet, charities can take the sign-up process away from the till, reducing queues and allowing for other volunteers to process sales whilst another completes the sign-up form with a donor elsewhere in the store.
Electronic Gift Aid donor sign-up is a functionality that works within the EPoS system which provides charities with a central supporter database, so charities can integrate donors into their fundraising operation.
“This is great news. I am very proud that Cybertill has been shortlisted as the team worked very hard to deliver a high quality and future-ready solution to the once time-consuming sign-up process. Once again proving how the Cybertill team has a strong ability to stay agile in the changing retail and technology market.”
Ian Tomlinson, Cybertill CEO
It is a great encouragement to be recognised for our effort in developing and delivering software that has helped, and continues to help, charities run successful retail operations.
The Amazon Growing Business Awards judging day brings together over 150 entrepreneurs and CEOs. The day will provide an opportunity to get to know some of the UK’s fastest-growing businesses and a chance to network. You can read the full list of nominees and more about the Awards on The Amazon blog.
The awards will take place on Wednesday 28th November, wish us luck!
*photo credit Caspian Media

Rachel is passionate about retail and the ever-changing retail technology environment, with a keen eye for upcoming retail trends that are set to shake up the sector.