Last year 272,000 children, young people, parents and carers were supported by Barnardo’s through more than 1,000 services across the UK, such as young carers, care leavers, foster carers and adoptive parents, training and skills or parenting classes. Working to transform the lives of the UK’s most vulnerable children, every year Barnardo’s help thousands of families to build a better future.Barnardo’s Retail arm generated £12.1million net profit in 16/17, which is directly invested back into the charity’s work. As such investing in an EPoS system to support their shops was the ideal next step in the charity’s retail story.
Roy Clark, Director of Retail and Trading, said that “Investing in EPOS is an essential move into the digital realm for our retail chain, giving us a vast amount of consumer insight and enabling the simplification of processes both on and off the shop floor. Starting with an initial roll out of 51 stores, we will take our learnings and streamline our processes before continuing roll out to the rest of our estate next month.”
After seeing what the CharityStore platform could offer, Barnardo’s opted for Cybertill’s market leading charity retail system that is trusted by over a third of charity shops in the UK and Ireland.
With a dedicated UK-based support team, and seamless modules for Gift Aid, Cybertill has helped UK charities maximise profits, automate processes, and raise more for their causes each year.
Roy added, “Converting to the new system will save our store teams considerable time on manual tasks and will inevitably generate more income through added insight, simplification of the Gift Aid process and enhanced experience in-store. I look forward to seeing the benefits that Charity Store brings to Barnardo’s.”
As part of the roll out, 24-hour support will be available online, as well as a dedicated Cybertill Account Manager, allowing them to make the most of the cloud solution.
Jennifer Murphy, Account Management Team Leader at Cybertill explains
“We’re very happy with how our roll-out has gone with Barnardo’s. In the first 3 months, we managed to deploy CharityStore in over 50 of their stores, which is a testament to the fantastic team here at Cybertill and at Barnardo’s, and I’m really looking forward to working with them on a regular basis as their dedicated Account Manager”
It’s already been an exciting start to the onboarding of the Barnardo’s stores, with some remarkable results already – since the initial roll-out, CharityStore has helped Barnardo’s capture over 11% more Gift Aid.
Ian Tomlinson, CEO, Cybertill says “It’s great to see that Cybertill technology can help charities and businesses future proof themselves for the years ahead and increase revenue for their worthy causes. We very much look forward to continuing our work with Barnardo’s, helping them achieve their goals.”
For more information
For more information about the incredible work Barnardo’s do, please visit:

Rachel is passionate about retail and the ever-changing retail technology environment, with a keen eye for upcoming retail trends that are set to shake up the sector.